
Sun May 19, 2024

Do you need some mullamagic?

Welcome to mullamagic

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Hello, I am Imtiyaz Mulla (aka Imy Mulla) and mullamagic is my personal website. There are various sections that are mainly for my children. The bit that's really me is the blog - and that is actually on another site!

This site was created because my daughter Aaliyah thought it would be cool to have a website that she could do lots of cool stuff on! I know it's not fantastic at the moment, but hey, it's a start!

This is very much a work in progress. We have a few sections so far.


Aaliyah and Zahra really wanted some games and stories on their site. This is a start, but I am on the lookout for better content. If you know of any good freebies, let me know....


The idea is to be able to put family pics on this site. Once I do this, all those people who are dying to see pics of the kids can just go to this site instead of waiting forever for me to send them!

If you click "photos" above, you will be taken to a page with an embedded slideshow. For now, this is only of the album called "public". I will add more to this section over time and link to my other albums on google picasaweb.


I have recently started a tumblr blog. The blog link above will open this in a new tab. This is where I will write my rantings and ravings. The links on the left are from the live feed of this blog - the sidebar on the left will always link to the 3 most recent posts. If you want to subscribe to the rss feed, click the rss icon on the left.


Please email me feedback and suggestions for this site. Alternatively, why don't you add a comment in the comments section below? Please give it a go - even if it's just to say "Hello"!!

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